Although there are different methodologies dependent on the type of well that is being treated, each method is governed by how the oil is extracted. Variations include sucker rod pump, screw pump, progressive cavity pump, gas lift and free flow.
Pumped wells are generally treated via the annulus where the FloWell solution is introduced into the crude oil flow prior to its entry into the production tubing and pumping assembly.
Gas lift wells are generally treated via the gas flow being injected into the production tubing which drives the crude oil of the production tubing. The FloWell solution is introduced into the pipeline at the wellhead or nearby so that it is then carried by the gas stream into the working area of the production tubing.
These types of applications enjoy a lot of turbulence within the oil flow because of the methodology of removal and so they aid the ability of the FloWell solution to be distributed throughout the oil stream.
Free-flowing wells require a different approach. Bearing in mind that it is essential that the FloWell solution is thoroughly mixed into the oil flow it is best applied at the point of maximum turbulence. Because free-flowing wells have a choke which uses a bean (a disc with a smaller orifice than the pipeline) to control the flowrate this provides the point of maximum turbulence as the crude oil flow with the gas content rapidly expands.
It could be argued that the FloWell solution could be applied directly after this point but what has to be remembered is the adiabatic effect of temperature reduction as the gas expands and thus any paraffin precipitation is already being experienced at that point. It is far better to present the FloWell solution to the flow at a point before the choke. This way the FloWell solution is injected into the oil stream and then as it passes the choke the turbulence causes it to rapidly mix together meeting the entrained paraffin and essentially immunising it from creating precipitation.
This will enable the prevention of paraffin precipitation which is the ultimate solution but also because of the turbulence mixing the FloWell solution within the oil stream it can then begin attacking existing precipitation which will be in the flowline. This makes the perfect application with the minimum intervention and is the ultimate in safety. (some solvents are extremely flammable and known to be carcinogenic)
FloWell will resolve all the problems that have been presented by precipitation in the pipeline and will reduce the power requirement and pressure within the pipeline because of the reduced viscosity. This will become more apparent in the winter months when the ambient temperature drops below the pour point of the crude oil. Any restrictions caused by the occurrence of paraffin precipitation will be eliminated.