Many people ask why FloWell would be better for their problems in regards to paraffin precipitation as opposed to other products on the market. To keep things simple the question will be answered as bulleted points below. We encourage questions for which we will provide comprehensive answers but hopefully the following will suffice.
- FloWell is a 0000-hazmat paraffin precipitation combating solution. Most competitive products require hazardous material handling which in some cases can be extreme. Minimum PPE, minimum material handling and zero hazardous rating are some of the benefits of using FloWell.
- FloWell is an aqueous solution requiring minimum special equipment for its application. It is a simple controlled dosage situation using standard equipment that is generally already available from standard equipment in general use at oil production facilities.
- When FloWell is used at the hydrocarbon source it readily mixes into the hydrocarbon stream where it easily migrates to meet the paraffin content using the flow turbulence to enhance mixing.
- Even though FloWell is an aqueous solution it inhibits emulsification as has been shown in many applications where emulsification has been a problem.
- Once FloWell is introduced into the hydrocarbon stream and has actively worked with the paraffin returning or maintaining the paraffin in liquid phase, regardless of temperature, wax appearance is prevented all the way to the refinery regardless of the hydrocarbon stream temperature dropping below previous known wax appearance temperature.
- Fitting the “the solution to pollution is dilution” theory and due to its non-hazardous nature spillages, generally, can be safely washed away with water. The international classification for FloWell falls into the group of soap solutions, therefore disposal, clean-up, etc. falls within the realm of this classification.
- Storage and handling of the FloWell solution require nothing extraordinary, this has the advantage of the reduced costs associated with hazardous material handling. This is a bonus especially when transportation is required to offshore assets.
- Finally, even though dosage solutions can vary between 200 PPM and up to 500 PPM for the initial cleaning and removal of paraffin precipitation deposits it has been found that a preventative dose of down to 150 PPM can prevent further precipitation making it a very economical product to use.